Saturday, April 17, 2010

Something on the lighter side of life

My husband and I ran 16 miles today. We got up at 6am, after a horrible night of sleep, put on our running clothes and shoes, and drove to the harbor. We proceeded to run a grueling 16 miles with a crazy group of people. Afterwards (and still) my legs were (and are) extremely sore. But I feel AWESOME!

So why did we do it? Was is to lose weight? No (though that is a great side effect). Was is because we love running? Absolutely not! It was to save lives. We are running and training with Team in Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We are simultaniously raising $3500 (or hopefully more) to help find a cure for cancer.

When we are done with this we will have run a ridiculous amount, completed our first marathon, made a great group of friends, and raised a decent amount of money to help find a cure for cancer. How awesome is that? I will definitely be doing this again!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I am so appalled I have to say something

Sometimes people just need to communicate, even if only to themselves. I saw something today that just made me want to scream, so I decided to start a new blog, not just to vent, but to really put into words my thoughts and feelings on various subjects, groups, actions, etc.

What did I see today? The news story about the father suing the "Westboro Baptist Church" for picketing at his son's funeral. Do I believe in the 1st Amendment? Of course! I am all for freedom of speech. But this is completely abusing the privilege. With a privilege comes responsibilities. Yes, people over 21 are allowed to drink alcohol. That does not mean they can then drink and drive. There are rules and courtesies.

This so-called "church" is made of completely psychotic people. I don't understand how such people can exist, who have such a warped view of God and people. I also am a firm believer of respecting others' beliefs, but not when they use them to harm others and not when they themselves don't respect others' beliefs. What they have is not a religion, it's simply a hate group.

This "church" needs to be stopped. I hope and pray that this father wins his case against them, and I hope he wins to such and extent that this group has no choice but to shut down. We don't need people poisoning our nation, we need people working to IMPROVE it, helping people get along and work together better. We need to be a unified group working to better ourselves and each other.

I hope most people will agree with me on what I have written here, but I am open to any and all comments. Thanks for reading :)